On Monday, April 15, 2002, at 11:30 , Timothy Murphy wrote:

> While I am an enthusiastic user of mailman,
> doesn't majordomo still have a well-defined usage,
> for essentially private lists like committee minutes?
> This is a genuine question --
> am I right in assuming that mailman lists are by their nature
> publicly available?

Not at all.  At UC Santa Cruz, I set up several Mailman lists that were 
private for just this purpose (committee announcements and minutes) in 
the School of Engineering.

You can get privacy in one of two ways, depending on what your needs are:

1) Do not archive.  Each list can be set to archive or not to archive 
within the list's web admin interface.

2) Set up your web server to require a password or IP/hostname match (or 
both) to allow access to /pipermail/listname/  for each list you want to 

I did either or both of these as needed.


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