* Martin Schmitt wrote/schrieb:

> Apr 17 13:09:36 vortex Mailman mail-wrapper: [ID 702911 mail.error] Failure to exec 
>script. WANTED gid 59999, GOT gid 60001.  (Reconfigure to take 60001?)
> Apr 17 13:09:36 vortex postfix/local[12816]: [ID 197553 mail.info] 27FA03846E: 
>to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=local, delay=0, status=deferred (Command died 
>with status 2: "/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd testlist". Command output: Failure 
>to exec script. WANTED gid 59999, GOT gid 60001.  (Reconfigure to take 60001?) )

Thanks to Ron Jarrell from the Mailman-Users list who pointed out to me
that Postfix just isn't doing what I assumed it does. It's always executing 
piped aliases as nobody, no matter what Setgid bits are set, and no matter
what users I've set up for postfix' internal use.

Several people pointed out that setting Mailman's expected GID to 60001
could provide the quick way out, but I don't happen to like this solution
without thinking about it carefully. ;-)

I'm going to try to find out how to make Postfix execute specific commands
as specific users.

Thanks all,


665: Neigbour of the Beast

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