When newlist prints the set of aliases for a list, copy and paste them
into a postfix aliases file, and do a postalias and postfix reload.
Mail to the list will be redirected to the mailman scripts.

Best regards,

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Chris Wiegand wrote:

> I'm the net admin at a site which is using postfix and cyrus, and I'm trying to 
>figure out how to integrate mailman into this. I've got it sending out subscription 
>emails, etc., however, do I have to define aliases for the lists? Do I have to create 
>mail folders in cyrus (imap) for mailman? I don't understand how mailman "gets" the 
>mail, I guess that's where I'm a little lost. Has anyone done this? Can it be done? 
>Thank you for your time.
> Chris Wiegand
> Signal BHN

Morris Jones         <*>
San Rafael, CA

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