At 09:55 AM 5/13/02, Bob Weissman wrote:
>At 09:42 PM 5/12/02, Marc MERLIN wrote:
>>On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 09:50:44AM -0700, Bob Weissman wrote:
>>> I hope  I'm reading  this right; may  I infer that  these headers  will be
>>> supressable on a per-list basis?
>>Nope, site-wide only.
>>Barry already  knows that mailman  3 will  probably need a  toggle redesign,
>>where  most options  will  be  sitewide, listwide  and  even per-user  where
>Too bad. If I wanted to implement this myself in 2.0.10, by adding a new attribute to 
>mailing lists, is there any way to cause the new attribute to be added to existing 
>mailing lists? Or must I rmlist/newlist all of my existing lists to cause them to 
>contain the new attribute?

Never mind. I figured out how to do it with withlist.

- Bob

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