Herein lies the rub with the mailman program.  The programmers ASS-U-ME 
that everyone using the software as full access to the server on which it 
is run.  Many users have this in a shared server environment and these 
"wonderful" patches to make up for short comings in the software are not an 
alternative.  The software basically is not too bad.  The fact there is 
very little that a list owner can set up to his liking without hacking a 
lot of places is troubling.  All of this type of things should not even be 
an issue.  There should be options in the admin interface to handle all of 
this.  Majordomo is SO simple and straight forward.  All you do is set a 
single config file and bang you are on the way.  With this you have to hack 
here to fix this and there to fix that so that eventually you have no clue 
what all has ben done!
        The 'fix' you offer me for this question is not a fix at all.  It is 
merely a cover up.  The messages are still queued up and stored.  All that 
happens is that a cron job nukes them.  Heck bounced messages should NOT 
default to being stored anyway.  You should have to enable it if you want 
it.  The whole purpose of closing a list is to not get crap mail that you 
dont want.  If I wanted to have to approve mail i would have set it up to 
be moderated.

At 10:05 AM 5/14/2002 +0800, Lewis Lau wrote:
 >Hey man,
 >Read the FAQ! Topic on: How do I automatically delete held messages?
 >At 06:18 PM 5/13/02 -0400, List Admin wrote:
 >>I have my list closed so that only subscribers can post.  I keep getting
 >>these emails each time a non-subscriber tries to post saying that I have
 >>to go approve or reject the post.  Hey guess what, I made it closed
 >>because I DONT want these posts.  Go figure!  So tell me how do I make it
 >>stop sending me these emails and adding all of these tasks to an admin
 >>queue when it is blatantly obvious that I dont want the posts in the first
 >>place.  if I did i would not have closed the list.
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