Hello everyone!
I'm pretty new to UNIX world, and may ask you silly questions, but please be

I'm just about ready to install the Mailman to a virtual server (renting)
running on FreeBSD (Python 2.1.2). But before an installation, I'd like to
know if it can handle a HTML (formatted) message (basically, It just
contains a letterhead graphic on the top of a message) well.

Again, all I want to do is sending 250 subscribers (read only, newsletter) a
message with a graphic on the top (letterhead). It just like HTML messages
you receive daily from Apple, Palm, you name it (by the way I'm sending it
to my clients).

I've tried it with Macjordomo on the EIMS server (MacOS9), but no luck.
Subscribers received a message without a graphic (instead, bunch of codes).

Anyone has any thought?

Take good care,

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