
Grant asked:
> What have I missed that allows Mailman to create users??


I do this:

On telnet session:
% newlist -o LISTNAME

Then a set of lines like this appears in the telnet window and an output
file is made in the same directory.

- - -  snip starts - - -

## LISTNAME mailing list
## created: 23-May-2002 username
LISTNAME:         "|/usr/local/mailman/mail/wrapper post LISTNAME"
LISTNAME-admin:   "|/usr/local/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner LISTNAME"
LISTNAME-request: "|/usr/local/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd LISTNAME"
LISTNAME-owner:   LISTNAME-admin

- - -  end snip - - -

Then, that info needs to be put into your sendmail file, "aliases". Then,
you need to run "vnewalises".

Then it should work.

My question for the *nix pros ---
How do you easily patch the contents of the output file (-o) into the
aliases file? The cut and paste is a drag with pico, and the word wrap is a


Mark Rauterkus
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://Rauterkus.com

PS: I was just hung up on the same question last week.

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