
i installed Mailman on my webserver with apt-get install mailman

Everything works fine, i'm able to create new lists and so on.

My problem is that i'm not able to get access zu the directory over the web.
For example i create a list "testlist", then i get a mail with links to
listinfo and to the webconfiguration, but when i try to visit this links i
get a 404 from my server.

When i use lynx directly on my server when i'm logged in over ssh,
everything is ok ...

in short:
this works: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/testlist
but not this: http://mydomain.tld/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/testlist

firstly the link in the mail was also with localhost but then i changed

What did i forget or what is wrong?

It would be very nice if someone could help me.

Florian Kubis

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