On 17 Sivan 5762, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> i'm searching a software that gives me the ability to send my
> newsletter to nearly 240'000 recipents.  My webserver is running
> Debian potato.  I don't now weather mailman is the right software.
> I'd be very happy if you could tell me about your experiences.

Make sure you read the FAQ about tuning your MTA.  Also, use Woody's
Python and Mailman packages - Potato's are extremely out of date.  Or
roll your own Mailman - but I would still recommend updating Python.

Mailman is excellent for things like giving your users a web interface
to subscribe and unsubscribe as well as a mail interface to do so.
Compared to the other free (and many commercial) list servers out there,
you will be glad you switched.  You might want to take some time reading
the archives of this list, and look for people's complaints - they will
accustom you to Mailman's idiosyncrasies.  For me it has been nothing
but worth it (we have migrated lists from Majordomo at one site, and
PMDF/Mailserv at the other).

Also have a look at posts having to do with Mailman 2.1 beta.  You might
want to use that, or wait until it is released.  It promises to be quite
a good upgrade.
Charles Sebold                                       18th of Sivan, 5762
LCMS - Office of Information Systems                http://unix.ois.org/
        *** Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily ***
        *** those of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod ***

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