On Sunday 02 June 2002 01:34 am, Scott Courtney wrote:
> I'll post to the list when I have more definitive info.

Okay...more data.

I'm not sure if this is "the" problem, but it is certainly "a" problem. The
parser in Pipermail chokes on headers that look like this:

Received: from blah blah blah
by blah blah blah
Received: from some other thing
by some other thing

but it works fine on this:

Received: from blah blah blah by blah blah blah
Received: from some other thing by some other thing

It appears that AOL's mailer has, or at least had, a habit of wrapping these
header lines. I still need to dig into RFC 2822 or RFC 822 to see whether the
blame goes to Pipermail for not liking the lines or to AOL for generating
them, but joining these lines in the text editor seems to make Pipermail
accept the messages. Anyone know offhand?

I did definitely determine that Pipermail is silent on this error, though.
It has a try...except clause in which the only action on this parse error
is "continue" (iterate to next message). I'm not crazy about that behavior,
but the nice thing about Open Source is that I can (and have) change it to
report that a message was skipped. The code is in module
Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py, in the method processUnixMbox().

So, that's the status so far. <sigh> Back to the text editor...


Scott Courtney         | "I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind them
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       | having a bad operating system."    -- Linus Torvalds
http://www.4th.com/    | ("The Rebel Code," NY Times, 21 February 1999)

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