On June 1, 2002 08:48 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm trying to make error pages and list view pages custom to the design of
> my site.
> The individual list pages are complete, but...
> Has anyone had any luck with this, or can anyone point me in the right
> direction?

I have successfully modded (if you can call my little tiny hack that) Mailman 
to use a custom error page and it was actually pretty simple.  

In "mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py":

def main():
    template_data = (
        ('listinfo.html',    'General list information page'),
        ('subscribe.html',   'Subscribe results page'),
        ('options.html',     'User specific options page'),
        ('handle_opts.html', 'Changing user options results page'),
        ('errors.html', 'Error Page'),

Add the above "errors.html" line.  

In "mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py" add the following function:

def PrintErrorResults(mlist, results, doc):
    replacements = mlist.GetStandardReplacements()
    replacements['<mm-results>'] = results
    output = mlist.ParseTags('errors.html', replacements)
    print doc.Format(bgcolor="#ffffff")

Then it is just a matter of going through the spots in the above directory 
that can cause an error page to display, such as the following in 

if not form.has_key("info"):
            #doc.AddItem(Header(2, "Error"))
            results = ("<b>You must supply your email address</b>.")
            #doc.AddItem(Bold("You must supply your email address."))
            #print doc.Format(bgcolor="#ffffff")
            PrintErrorResults(mlist, results, doc)  <<< NEW

Comment out the lines that send text to the doc object (i.e. print out right 
away) and instead use the new PrintErrorResults() function.

I can't perform a diff for you as I do not have a pristine copy of the source 
to work from but hopefully that is enough to get you started.


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