sounds like python-devel is not installed.


On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Chadd Hudson wrote:

> Sorry I wasn't more specific. I guess I got a little ahead of myself.  I
> thought the one in the web-admin (list password) was the same as the site
> password. I guess I have the list password set ok since I can admin the list
> with it.  Now I just want to change the site password.  Well when I run the
> mmsitepass command I get the following:
> Traceback (innermost last):
> File "./mmsitepass", line 39, in ?
> Import paths
> Importerror: no module named paths
> I looked at line 39 and don't see where it's trying to get the "paths
> directory?" from.  Here's lines 39 & 40.
> Import paths
> from Mailman import Utils.
> I'm guessing I've got everything set up correctly since the rest of the
> program works great.  Sorry to be a pain but I just don't know python so I'm
> kind of out of my element. If it helps, I can post some of the config files
> if needed. Just let me know what someone needs to see.  Even with this
> little problem, mailman is far better than majordomo!
> Thanks again,
> Chadd
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf Of Jon Carnes
> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:47 PM
> Subject:      Re: [Mailman-Users] changing the administrative password problem
> One password is the Site password (works on all lists), the other password
> is your List password (specific to that list).
> In the web-admin you change the List Password.  To change the Site Password
> use the command line: ~mailman/bin/mmsitepass
> Jon
> On Tuesday 02 July 2002 10:45 pm, Chadd Hudson wrote:
> > My mailman setup is great except that I cannot seem to change the admin
> > password.  I go to the web interface and try to change the password and
> > everything looks fine. I have two admin passwords! I
> > still
> > have the old one as well as the new one.  I'm no python guru so I'm
> > hoping
> > someone can tell me where the password file for mailman is kept and I
> > can
> > manually edit it w/ vi.  Any ideas or direction is greatly appreciated.
> > Chadd
> >
> >
> >
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