On Thursday 04 July 2002 07:10 am, Bausch, Jean wrote:
> Is there a configuration item to make Mailman break down very long lines?
> Most of my mailing lists' members are using Outlook 2000 and their messages
> are shown in both the archive view and the html view with very long lines
> without any line wrapping. I don't know whether Outlook or Mailman are to
> blame for this - but this behaviour is rather annoying.
> I am using Mailman 2.0.10 on Solaris (on an Intel machine).

If I understand your question correctly, what you are proposing to do is likely
to be a Very Bad Idea.

Outlook, as with most email clients, has an option to automatically wrap lines
in received messages. Users should employ this if they want the lines wrapped.

If you wrap lines within the server, there will be cases in which people who
send things like source listings or URL links and will not be able to figure
out why their messages are being corrupted in transit. URLs broken across lines
will often not work correctly, and links to things like news articles are often
quite long.

I would urge you to have your users employ the line wrap function on their
desktop rather than trying to do this globally, and unconditionally, on the


Scott Courtney         | "I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind them
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       | having a bad operating system."    -- Linus Torvalds
http://4th.com/        | ("The Rebel Code," NY Times, 21 February 1999)
                       | PGP Public Key at http://4th.com/keys/courtney.pubkey

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