I have just installed mailman v2.0.6 here on a SuSE 7.3 box.

Installation appeared to be fine and I can set up a new list and
administer it through the web interface.  However if I try to send mail
to any of the list addresses - I receive a bounce - and the root mailbox
on the mailman machine receives the following message

Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 15:08:03 +0100
From: root <root@<mailman-host>.com>
To: root@<mailman-host>.com
Subject: sendmail-ns1.<our-isp>.net unknown
finger: Connection refused
Our firewall does not allow finger requests through - does it need to
for mailman to work?

If I try to subscribe to the list from the webpage - I never receive the
confirmation message and root receives a mail with the subject

Subject: sendmail-localhost unknown

and the body looks very much like the output of finger.

I installed the package using YaST2 - after a source installation of
2.0.12 produced the same results.  I followed all the instructions
carefully.  The one area I had difficulty with was the INSTALL.Sendmail
instructions.  There was no /etc/smrsh folder on the box - so I created
one and symlinked the wrapper in there.  There is an smrsh binary on my
box at /usr/lib/sendmail.d/bin/smrsh.

Sendmail is working fine I believe.  I can send mail to the outside
world - and I can receive mail from the outside world,

Any help please


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