Locate the two oldest files in /qfiles and move them out of the directory
(or delete them if the .msg file appears to be unimportant). At least in my
case the problem was that the oldest message was damaged and there was no
body. I'm working on the assumption that the lack of a message body is what
is referred to by "AttributeError :  'string' object has no attribute
'lower'" in the last line of each error set.

I now wish that I had rolled back to an earlier version as a test. But since
I wiped out the oldest message and two others have reported rolling back to
cure the problem, perhaps the developer needs to see what sort of message is
stalling 2.0.12.


"H. Wade Minter" wrote:

> I upgraded over the weekend to Mailman 2.0.12, and got up this morning
> to find hundreds of entries in my qfiles/ directory.
> I'm running into the same problem reported by Armour Van Horn on
> Saturday, namely an errors logfile full of:
> ###
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355): Traceback (innermost last):
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355):   File
> "/home/mailman/cron/qrunner",line 283, in ?
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355):      kids = main(lock)
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355):   File "/home/mailman/cron/qrunner",
> line 253, in main
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355):      keepqueued =
> dispose_message(mlist, msg, msgdata)
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355):   File "/home/mailman/cron/qrunner",
> line 157, in dispose_message
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355):      mlist.ParseMailCommands(msg)
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355):   File
> "/home/mailman/Mailman/MailCommandHandler.py", line 123, in
> ParseMailCommands
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355):      precedence =
> msg.get('precedence', '').lower()
> Jul 12 23:41:21 2002 qrunner(1355): AttributeError :  'string' object
> has no attribute 'lower'
> ###
> Has there been any word on this bug?  I had to downgrade to 2.0.11 to
> keep my lists running.
> --Wade
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