> Folks are going to drop off Mail to your server, so the mail will have to
> find the server across the internet. It cannot do that unless you have
> either a static IP or you subscribe to a dynamic hosting site which updates
> your DNS everytime your ip address changes.  And example of such a service
> is HN.net (this is free for folks using opensource os'es... or at least it
> used to be.)

You can also use everydns (http://www.everydns.net) if you've got the
domain already set up. They provide a rather easy and safe way to manage
your dns entries and mailservers, and a rather easy to use perl
interface to update your IP as well, again, at no cost.

One thing you'll need to look at though, if you're going to run the
server yourself is the mail system you're using. Sendmail (default with
linux) really is limited in what it can do, and complicated to setup if
you don't know what you're doing. I'd suggest going with QMail, a much
more advanced system, with a few easy to use installers that can make
life much easier on you.

Just my 0.02 though

TJW      :Head tech, designer, bum:P
Mud      :http://dreamless.wolfstream.net
telnet   :telnet://dreamless.wolfstream.net 9275
OLC Pages:http://olc.wolfstream.net

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