Do things at all like "Set <listname> Index" and "Set
<listname> Nomail" exist for Mailman subscribers? I followed
Mailman-users long enough to conclude that it was beyond me to
administer on my own machine, and don't recall ever venturing to

        My favorite, of the lists I subscribe to, does run on
Mailman -- and is busier at times than I can keep up with.

        My second favorite, far busier than the first, runs on
listserv, fortunately for me. I keep it set to Index when I have
time for it at all, and to Nomail when I don't -- which has the
advantage that I am still subscribed, for purposes of the
restriction that says only subscribers can post. If something
urgent enough to need it should come up while I'm not receiving, I
*can* post it without hassling the moderators.

        I would like very much to do the same two things on the
favorite, but neither of the moderators there knows of a way.
They are moderators, after all, and very fine ones, too -- but not
managers; they don't go in for technicalia much, and have back-up
from people who do.

        If those options don't exist, under some name I fail to
guess, is there any hope of getting them in the forseeable future?

RR 'Beartooth' Neuswanger <karhunhammas (at)>
double retiree, linux hatchling running pine 4.43 on ISP's SunOS 5.8;
Opera 6.02, Pan 0.11.2, Galeon 1.2.5, & Mozilla 1.0 under RH 7.2
Keep in mind that I have no idea what I am talking about.

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