On 8/8/02 2:01 PM, "Raquel Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm likely to catch hell over this ... but isn't "free speech" a sad
> excuse for being rude?

First, "free speech" has nothing to do with your context. This is Barry's
list. He says what is and isn't allowed here. Your "free speech" stops at
his door. You're welcome to say what you want -- Barry's under no obligation
to let YOU use HIS list to say it in. Go set up your own list to say it in.

Second, unfortunately, to many who don't have a clue what the term "free
speech" REALLY means,it's turned into "I have the right to tell you to shut
up". It merely means they feel they can do anything, and you can't tell them
not to. Of course, by saying you can't tell them to not do it, they impinge
on your free speech (if you accept their definition), but since that affects
you, not them, that doesn't really matter. To them.

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.chuqui.com/

Very funny, Scotty. Now beam my clothes down here, will you?

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