Excellent - thanks for the info!

        / Peter

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> >>>>> "PB" == Peter Bengtson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     PB> The design team has for some reason decided to include the
>     PB> Description of the list (entered on the General Options page)
>     PB> in the Reply-To and To headers. This is, IMHO, a Bad
>     PB> Idea. Furthermore, there seems to be no way of turning this
>     PB> new behaviour off, other than setting the Description field to
>     PB> blank, or hacking the code (which is doable).
> Yup, think of it as an experiment that doesn't quite work.  I'll
> either remove this for the next beta or add a field to configure this
> in the admin's General page.
> -Barry

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