Thanks very much. I'll see what pair can do with this.

Will Galloway

At 09:29 PM 08/13/2002 -0400, Jon Carnes wrote:
>The new version runs a daemon that handles the mail for the lists.  It is 
>more efficient than the current cron induced qrunner triggers; but I don't 
>think that the resources saved will be that significant.  You should 
>probably upgrade your server (better processor and a SCSI disk sub-system).
>Even if the resources are stretched, the new version should do a better job 
>of handling the checks for sending out Digests.
>> Other stuff:
>> Duplicate and frivolous subscriptions are annoying, and a "discard"
>> option
>> for
>> sub. requests would be much appreciated. Awareness of a pre-existing
>> sub.
>> request from the same address should be implemented. Rejection just
>> confuses
>> legitimate (albeit impatient) subscribers, and encourages people who are
>Available in the new version
>> messing around to keep trying. In the same vein, the ability to
>> modify/eliminate
>> the default rejection message for posts would avoid antagonizing people
>> who
>> need coaching now and then. If true moderation and customization of all
>> the
>> various messages is forthcoming, then that's ideal.
>Also available in the new version

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