Heaven knows I tried to make them break. My MUA in this case is Netscape Messenger 
4.78. At least it demonstrates that it
isn't Mailman messing them up! (Not to mention that Netscape is immune to Klez.H.)


Greg Westin wrote:

> All four of those links work, and none break into two lines.
> <quote who="G. Armour Van Horn">
> > What happens when you send a really long link through the system? In
> > this case, I suspect that the line is broken before Mailman ever sees it
> > - it would be broken if you sent it to a standard mail client just the
> > same. But what you are sending is a text URL, not a link. The link the
> > reipient sees (that isn't working) is created by the recipient mail
> > client based on starting with http: and ending with whitespace.
> >
> > Here is your original URL, I've put it back on one line:
> > 
> >
> > Now, here it is again as a link:
> > 
> >
> > Unfortunately, that's behind a firewall and nobody outside The Kite
> > Factory will know if it worked again. Here is one that should be long
> > enough to break anything, based on all the URL encoding I used. First as
> > text:
> > 
> >
> > And now as a link:
> > 
> >
> > I won't know until this goes through the system, but I suspect that all
> > four will be broken onto two lines, but that the linked versions will
> > still work. Maybe we'll all learn somethign at that point.
> >
> > It's a universal problem. As the number of documents on a server grows,
> > I think we're going to have to abandon the idea of having humans read
> > URLs for taxonomy - it leads to URLs that break in too many places.
> >
> > Van
> >

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