Van -

The key here is to note that a Mailman archive is more than just
the mbox file.  There are many other supporting files, including
pre-gen'd HTML files and a whole set of database files.  The trick
to editing the mbox file for a list archive and having the edits
recognized is to do just as Jon has done: use the arch command (see
the bin directory in your Mailman installation directory).  From
~mailman/bin/arch -h ...

    Use this command to rebuild the archives for a mailing list.
    You may want to do this if you edit some messages in an archive,
    or remove some messages from an archive.

So, use arch whether you are adding messages, removing messages,
editing existing messages, or replacing an entire archive with a
whole new set of messages (as Jon did).  HTH.

- Andrew

  Mailman Administrator   -

On 23 Sep 2002, Jon Carnes wrote:

> I've done something similar in the past and there is no special header
> (that I know of).
> In my case, I created the list in Mailman, deleted the existing
> archive files (which where simply test messages).  Copied the old
> lists mbox file over the Mailman one, then ran the Mailman arch
> command, and told it to re-create the archives.  Worked a charm!
> On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 04:35, G. Armour Van Horn wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I have been asked to possibly host a list previously kept in
> > another system.  They would like to include archives from their
> > existing list, and have the messages in mbox format. The format
> > appears to be compatible, but when I appended a sample to one of
> > my test lists the other messages were not added.
> >
> > I'm guessing that there is one header that determines if an entry
> > is added to the archives, and that the additional messages I added
> > to my test list weren't displayed in the archives because they lacked
> > that header. Can someone tell me what the header is? If so, I can
> > replace that header (or a similar one) from their existing list with
> > the header matching the name of their new list and import it.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Van

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