I never got copies back so I apologize if these questions come across
twice. :)

1) I just reinstalled Mailman 2.1b3, but this time on an SME Server (not
that I think it makes any difference) and on the page that shows the
available lists, there's the line 'Send questions or comments to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - Where can I change that address? I
haven't done this in a while and it escapes me where this address is.

2) I created a Mailing List called 'Soundfonts' and when a message is
sent to the list, it comes to the other people as:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Jim

Is there a way to take off the Email of the person that sent the message
to the list and also to remove the -bounces? I just think it would be
cleaner if it just had [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the from
instead of all the other stuff.

Jim Hale
'The OS Tells The PC What To Do With Itself" - Me, 1990
Visit Our MIDI & Digital Audio Website at http://hale.dyndns.org or Our
Forums At http://haleforum.dyndns.org

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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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