I have a small group of lists for one client (one company wide, one each for four
offices, one for the managers, etc.) that are all set to "Reply to sender" as the
default. For most users it works just fine. However, some of the Outlook 2000
users seem to end up with their replies directed to the list-admin address instead
of to the sender. I've looked at the headers, and there is a clear "From:" header
in place, but Outlook appears to be replying to "Return-path:" instead. Worse,
this only seems to happen with messages that were originally sent by an Outlook

As far as I have seen, the problem does not occur with messages sent to the list
by Eudora, Netscape, or Outlook Express, and it doesn't apply to Outlook messages
to the list when Eudora, Netscape, or Outlook Express users reply.

As far as I can tell, the headers are saying what they are supposed to. Has anyone
run into this? Is there some obscure setting in Outlook that is controlling this?
(I won't personally use any Microsoft mail product, and don't recommend it, but I
can't keep subscribers from doing silly things!)


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