Well, since nobody helped, I went ahead and started debugging the stuff
in Bouncers/*.py

First I took a look at why Hotmail bounces weren't being caught in
DSN.py.  Here's an example with my debugging:

Oct 16 12:46:01 2002 (11207) DSN parsing header {'action': 'failed',
'final-recipient': 'rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'status': '5.0.0',
'original-recipient': ''}
Oct 16 12:46:01 2002 (11207) DSN got val
Oct 16 12:46:01 2002 (11207) DSN parsing header {'action': 'failed',
'final-recipient': 'rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'status':
'5.0.0', 'original-recipient': ''}
Oct 16 12:46:01 2002 (11207) DSN got val
Oct 16 12:46:01 2002 (11207) DSN parsing header {'action': 'failed',
'final-recipient': 'rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'status': '5.0.0',
'original-recipient': ''}
Oct 16 12:46:01 2002 (11207) DSN got val

So for some reason the final-recipient was there but it wasn't picking
it up.  So on a hunch I changed this line:

       val = headers.get('original-recipient',

to simply this:

        val = headers.get('final-recipient')

and now val is filled, and DSN bounce detection works in this case.

Why was the header not being found????????

Word on the street is Skye Poier said:
> Hello,
> I just upgraded from mailman 2.0beta4 to 2.0.13 (python 2.2.1) and
> everything is going pretty smoothly, except certain kinds of bounces
> aren't being picked up by the bounce detector.
> I've verified that the Bouncers/*.py process() functions are being
> called, and it picks up some bounces, but not others (one is from
> I can collect a bunch of un-detected bounces and send them to someone
> for analysis.  Please help, my list owners are being flooded with mail.
> It's like being a majordomo owner all over again :)
> Thanks,
> Skye

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