
        I am new to mailman administration.  I am taking over a list server that has work well for about a year now.  My problem is that now I have to create a new mailing list. 

        I cd into the mailman/bin directory as root and run . newlist useraddress password.  However the program spits out the help information and the line that says you can use any number of arguments and you will be prompted for the rest.  BTW non of the other scripts in bin work either.

Then I get what looks like a list of commands that can't be found

: File name too long
import:  Unable to connect to X server()
bash: from: command not found
bash: PROGRAM: command not found
bash: SENDMAIL_ALIAS_TEMPLATE: command not found
bash: QMAIL_ALIAS_TEMPLAT: command not found
bash: STDOUTMSG: command not found
bash: ALASTEMPLATE: command not found
bash: newlist: line 87: syntax error near unexpected token 'string.lower(m'
bash: newlist: line 87 '>
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?  So I need to be su'd as mailman?  I don't have the mailman password so I have been working as root.

Thanks Chuck Campbell

Charles E. Campbell Ph.D.

River City Research Group
PO Box 622198
Orangevale, CA 95662

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