+1 on that!  Stick with MHonArc as your archive agent.

The only advantage of Pipermail over MHonArc is that it comes with
Mailman. MHonArch has many superior features that will probably never
make it into Pipermail (though MHonArch may one day be the archiver that
is included with Mailman...)

On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 14:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >I'm migrating from Majordomo and MHonArc to Mailman.  Is there
> >an easy way to convert MHonArc archives to Pipermail?
> Ok, this may be too elementary, but you *do* realize MHonarc works
> perfectly well with Mailman, don't you? So the reason you want to switch
> over to Pipermail is.....?
> Have fun,
> Arlen
> Chief Managing Director In Charge, Department of Redundancy Department
> DNRC 224
> ----------------------------------------------
> In God we trust; all others must provide data.
> ----------------------------------------------
> Opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.
> If JCI had an opinion on this, they'd hire someone else to deliver it.
> ------------------------------------------------------
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