* Jeff Stern ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> hi, i didnīt see this on http://mailman.sourceforge.net/todo.html but it 
> would be nice if, with mailmanīs archives pages (whether organized by 
> thread, subject, or author, or date) the user were not limited to 
> searching by month only.

You have control over the archiving system.  Mailman saves all mail for the list in 
<homedir>/archives/private/<listname>.mbox/<listname>.mbox.  You can use an outside 
archiver (ie MHonArc) and customize how you would like to do the web archives.

| Matthew Davis /\ http://dogpound.vnet.net/ |
| Thursday, December 12, 2002 / 02:06PM      |
A bird in the hand can be messy.

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