On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 12:04:16PM -0600, David Gibbs wrote:
> "Angel Gabriel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > The bit that intrested me, was the final part, how can I reconfirm all my
> > subscribers??
> Simply sending the monthly password reminder should be sufficient.

Which confirms that the recipient email address exists.  It does 
not confirm that each subscriber wanted to be on your list.  

I believe the latter is what the website Angel mentions urges, and 
would require of all of us, had they means to do so.

 Dan Wilder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Technical Manager
 SSC, Inc. P.O. Box 55549   Phone:  206-782-8808
 Seattle, WA  98155-0549    URL http://www.linuxjournal.com/

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