Danny Terweij wrote:
Thats what I was thinking, as this is a private internal tesing network, it has a madeup domainname, but local DNS resolves this correctly.Set your box a real domain name? Create a file : /etc/HOSTNAME And put there FDQN from box :)Maybe then it works right. But i could be wrong.....
The problem may be down to the two settings I had in mm_cfg.py.
When I first set it up, I put the required information as specified, ie
I set the hostname, but rather than sending mails from
I was getting them from:
hence my options below:
DEFAULT_HOST_NAME = 'angelnet.int'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'mailman.angelnet.int'
DEFAULT_URL = 'http://%s/mailman/' % DEFAULT_URL_HOST
MAILMAN_OWNER = 'mailman-owner@%s' % DEFAULT_HOST_NAME
my /etc/hosts is listed as below:
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. eir.angelnet.int mailman mail localhost.localdomain localhost eir.angelnet.int eir
FQDN: eir.angelnet.int
Sorry is the above is incorect, but that was the only way I could resolve the problem.
All mail on my domain , can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it gets sorted correctly (by the mx address of the domain), but mailman seems to want to put the fqdn is there instead.
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