I have a list with upwards of 600K emails on it. Many of the addresses on the list have the nomail bit set, yet when I use 'list_members' there seems to be no way to get only the valid emails(ie no nomail emails listed)

I have a customer who needs to split this list into X number of pieces in order to send different content to each piece of the list. The problem is when we work from the file that 'list_members' outputs, mailman spins its wheels trying to deliver mail to the nomail addresses(most of which are not valid addresses) and it slows things way down because the mail server has to deal with all these bounces.

I have also tried using the dumpdb tool, but it takes upward of 8 hours to dump the whole db which is far too slow.

Is anyone using segmented lists with mailman?
has anyone figured out a way to get just the good email addresses out of the mailman db?

any help would be appreciated.



Scott R. Every mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Blast Inc. http://www.blast.com
1-800-24-BLAST ext 543

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