On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 00:57, Marc Perkel wrote:
> Often the programmers and the development team overlook things in upgrading 
> because they don't have the same experience as the end user. I want to point out 
> such a case to you so you can fix 2.1.
> As a 2.0.11 user I did not need the list "mailman" and didn't have one. Thus 
> when I upgraded it mostly worked. And it took a lot of work to figure out what I 
> missed.
> Perhaps the install/upgrade should create this list or at least there should be 
> some sort of error or better documentation. Just wanted to give you a heads up 
> on this to improve this fine product.

It might be a good idea to have mailman create the list, except where
such an alias already exists...  In any case the INSTALL file clearly
instructs users to create the "mailman" mailing list:

   - Create a "site-wide" mailing list.  This is the one that
      password reminders will appear to come from.  Usually this
      should be the "mailman" mailing list, but if you need to change
      this, be sure to change the MAILMAN_SITE_LIST variable in
      mm_cfg.py (see below).

          % bin/newlist mailman

      Follow the prompts, and see the README file for more

    - You should then subscribe yourself to the mailman list.

These instructions are unfortunately not mentioned directly in the
UPGRADE file.  Would having the above section repeated in the UPGRADE
file have been enough in your situation?

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