Apologies for lumping two problems in to one mail, but it'll save time if I try
to address both in one go. Running mailman 2.1 on apache 1.3.23 with mandrake
linux 9.

Firstly, my pipermail archives aren't showing up. 

I've configured httpd.conf to have 
Alias   /pipermail/     "/var/lib/mailman/archives/public/"
<Directory /var/lib/mailman/archives/public>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

(and tweaked around with the sytax of this). 
I've also run check_perms with -f flag with no problems. There are messages in
the archive which is made public. The symlinks exist in public directory. I'm at
a loss at what to do now. 

Also, my images aren't showing up. I'm not sure where they are in the hierarchy
of mailman (I've installed prefix=/var/lib/mailman). Is it even possible to
change these? Ideally I'd like to make them smaller and lump them into one graphic.

Thanks in advance. 

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