Your best bet all around is to install Mailman via source.  It's easy to do
and if you did install previously using the rpm you can query the rpm for
the proper setup to install via source.  Since you were having problems and
you were nervous about it, I'm assuming you used the rpms... could be
wrong - and I hope I am!

In any case, as soon as you change python, you need to re-install Mailman -
preferably from source.  Mailman is very robust, but once you start changing
the underlying modules and libraries you're asking for trouble (unless you
re-install so that it can use the new modules and libraries).

Best of Luck - Jon Carnes

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Masterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 12:37 PM
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Python upgrade problems - Mailman 2.0.13

> System: Redhat 7.2, Mailman 2.0.13, webservers (for web-interface) and
> Postfix mailserver (for crons/processing) nfs-mounting Mailman
> installation.
> After upgrading Python 1.5 (as per RHSA), public web-subscription to
> mailman lists no longer worked ("We've hit a bug!" -> ImportError:
> cannot import name Pending). So we installed Python2 on the webservers
> and forced Mailman to use it. Seemed to work for a few hours, and then
> it appeared that no lists are processing messages. The error generated
> every few seconds (a few dozen lists some with 10k+ members) was as
> follows:
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): Traceback (innermost last):
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): File "/www/mailman/cron/qrunner",
> line 283, in ?
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): kids = main(lock)
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): File "/www/mailman/cron/qrunner",
> line 253, in main
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): keepqueued = dispose_message(mlist,
> msg, msgdata)
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): File "/www/mailman/cron/qrunner",
> line 121, in dispose_message
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): if BouncerAPI.ScanMessages(mlist,
> mimemsg):
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): File
> "/www/mailman/Mailman/Bouncers/", line 58, in ScanMessages
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): func = getattr(getattr(getattr(mod,
> 'Bouncers'), modname), 'process')
> Feb 06 10:01:02 2003 qrunner(1209): AttributeError : process
> My first thought was to try upgrading python on the mailserver which
> does the processing:
> rpm -ivh --nodeps python2-2.1.1-2.72.i386.rpm
> cd /usr/bin/
> rm -f python;ln -s python2 python
> This created new errors in the Mailman logs:
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539): Traceback (most recent call last):
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):   File "/www/mailman/cron/qrunner",
> line 283, in ?
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):      kids = main(lock)
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):   File "/www/mailman/cron/qrunner",
> line 253, in main
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):      keepqueued =
> dispose_message(mlist, msg, msgdata)
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):   File "/www/mailman/cron/qrunner",
> line 121, in dispose_message
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):      if
> BouncerAPI.ScanMessages(mlist, mimemsg):
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):   File
> "/www/mailman/Mailman/Bouncers/", line 57, in ScanMessages
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):      mod =
> __import__('Mailman.Bouncers.'+modname)
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):   File
> "/www/mailman/Mailman/Bouncers/", line 34, in ?
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):      import regsub
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.1/", line 20, in ?
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539):      import regex
> Feb 06 10:51:02 2003 qrunner(22539): ImportError :  No module named
> regex
> Decided to downgrade, so then I simply did a:
>  cd /usr/bin
>  rm -f python; ln -s python1.5 python
> The errors immediately stopped being generated, and the contents of the
> qfiles directory dropped from 400+ files to 60 files in about 5 minutes.
> I guess at this point I am nervous that this will come back to haunt me,
> perhaps again in a few hours. Any insight or archived messages I failed
> to locate would be appreciated.
> John Masterson
> Modwest
> Powerful, Affordable Web Hosting
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