At 11:08 PM 2/10/2003, Andy Firman wrote:

I have 3,000 emails I need to get into a new Mailman mailing list.
Do you think I can cut and paste into the admin membership-
management interface?  I have no clue what it can handle.
I searched the archives but did not find anything similar to my question.

The box I am using is remote and I only have ssh access to it along
with the web management page of course.
I suppose I could use wget, ftp, or maybe scp to get the file
to the remote box to use the add_members script.  At this time I am not too
comfortable and confident doing something like that file transfer.

Has anyone pasted that many into the admin membership-management page?
How did it work?
I've not done that many, but Mailman 2.1.1 a "file upload" option that I used to incorporate a fairly large list of names. It didn't seem to have any problem with the list. For your own sanity, you may want to break the list down into several smaller files, and import them one at a time so you can more easily review the "Error subscribing" list of addresses. I had the text file set up with address on a separate line in the format of:




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