Ah, but there is no way to do this by default? (I guess when there are new user I have to specify that they require modification each time?)
Thank you for pointing me at this option however, must have overlooked it - sorry :-|
Now that this works I still bother about the other issue: when I disabled reminders once a month generally and new users still get this flag on by default there is something wrong, I guess? Isn't there any global value to set that it shouldn't happen in any case, not even when the user has this option in their personal setting?
I don't want to bother a group of users (especially with a low-volume list) every month with reminders...
Thank you,
John DeCarlo wrote:
If you go to the Membership List section for web admin and go to the bottom, you will find: "Set everyone's moderation bit, including those members not currently visible".
Change that to On and click on the Set button.
Your list will now be one where all messages require the moderator's approval. (You could have set it up this way originally.)
Moderators specified under the General Options will get a daily reminder to moderate messages.
You can also have them get immediate messages of some sort of request (like moderate or subscribe). This is called: "Should the list moderators get immediate notice of new requests, as well as daily notices about collected ones?"
Paul Dekkers wrote:
Hi, I installed Mailman-2.1.1 and was wondering if it's possible to moderate all traffic by default for most|all users: I saw the option for emergency moderation, and in that case all mail is held for moderation, but it sounds a bit crue. Besides: I kind of expected mailman would send the list-moderators a mail that there is mail to be moderated. Especially for low-volume mailinglists there can be a moderation request for every mail sent for as far as I'm concerned.
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