On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Larry Hansford wrote:

> At 07:13 AM 2/18/2003, David wrote:
> >On 13 Feb 2003, Jon Carnes wrote:
> >
> > > Some folks on the list have hypothesized that this is due to some spam
> > > rules setup on hotmail servers (but not consistent across all their
> > > servers).
> > >
> > > Try modifying SMTP_MAX_RCPTS (in the file mm_cfg.py):
> > >   # Ceiling on the number of recipients that can be specified
> > >   # in a single SMTP transaction.  Set to 0 to submit the
> > >   # entire recipient list in one transaction.  Only used with
> > >   # the SMTPDirect DELIVERY_MODULE.
> > >   # SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 500
> > >   SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 5
> > >
> > > If that works, please let us know.
> >
> >SMTP_MAX_RCPTS = 5 seems to have resolved the problem. The most recent
> >post didn't bounce.
> Are there any downsides to setting SMTP_MAX_RCPTS so low?   Most of my
> lists are between 1,200 and 3,000 members each, and I'm wondering what the
> performance hit is to set this so low.
> I've not seen many problems with hotmail accounts bouncing, but fortunately
> we have very few of them.

My list had about 50 hotmail accounts out of a total of 300. If anyone has
any experience of a higher SMTP_MAX_RCPTS setting and hotmail, I would
like to know about it too. "Trial and error" has it's limitations unless
it's somebody else making the errors ;-)


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