At 15:45 20/02/2003, Vivek Khera wrote:
>>>>> "RB" == Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

RB> I confess I cheat by doing test runs: I installed MM 2.0.13 with all the
RB> patches I was using on my production MM 2.0.13 system onto my secondary
RB> server, added some sample lists and then did a trial upgrade to MM 2.1
RB> (initially beta). Repeated this until upgrading the test system was
RB> completely trouble free; then doing the real thing was a non-event. Doing
RB> this was where I sorted out the fixup scripts I needed, and found the sting
What?!?!? You mean you test software and upgrade procedures *before*
doing them on a production machine? What are you, some kind of *real*
system administrator or something? ;-)

Tried not doing the tests once. I've still got the scars.

My boss has the memory of an elephant and never hesitates to remind one of past sins, especially at pay review time!

Mind you we have a great job incentive scheme: do your job well and you might get to keep it :(

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