At 04:51 PM 2/22/03, Jon Carnes wrote:
On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 22:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 1. Can this program delete the wrong addresses automatically, where as with
> aol you have to do it manually?

Nothing deletes a "wrong" address automatically, but if the address
bounces too often then Mailman will automatically move the address over
to "No Mail" so that it no longer sends mail to the address.

Is this strictly so, under 2.1 (or 2.1.1)? Our list-owners get notices like this:

Subject: WIT-L unsubscribe notification

[EMAIL PROTECTED] has been removed from WIT-L.

And when we look at the membership roster for that list, the address in question will be just gone, not "No Mail".

In fact our list owners would prefer to only have automatic no-mail, not automatic complete removal. That way they can look into the problem and either correct the address or reactivate it if it was only a temporary problem (though exceeding MM's grace period, I guess).

I can't seem to find the settings to turn off automatic full-unsubscribe, while retaining automatic no-mail and owner notification. Short of turning off bounce-processing altogether, that is.

Here are the settings under "Bounce Processing" from one of our lists, where I was trying to prevent full-unsubscribe by trickery with the timing (that is, the combination of bounce_info_stale_after and bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval). Suggestions for better ways of getting this result will be much appreciated. Maybe just raise the threshhold way up? (But the list owners do want to be alerted to bad addresses...)

Here are the current settings:

bounce_processing: Yes
bounce_score_threshold: 5.0
bounce_info_stale_after: 7
bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings: 10
bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval: 8
bounce_unrecognized_goes_to_list_owner: Yes
bounce_notify_owner_on_disable: Yes
bounce_notify_owner_on_removal: Yes

Thanks for your help,

Mitch Marks

Mitchell Marks
CUIP Tech Coordinator
CUIP: Chicago Public Schools / Univ. of Chicago Internet Project
5640 S Ellis Ave  AAC-045, Univ of Chgo, Chgo IL 60637

Telephone: Ofc 773-702-6041
Fax 702-8212
Home (v.m. only, ok any time) 241-7166
Email: Primary address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alternate UofC addresses (use especially to report problems with [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Off-campus (ISP) address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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   And the flu-o-rescent Katz
With their looking-glassy futures
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