Thanks everyone for the help earlier, the 'newaliases' command did the
trick. As previously stated, I'm using Mailman with Red Hat 8.0 and
Sendmail. I am trying to find out what my restrictions are on List Names.
For starters, if I make a list with a title that is all one word, everything
works fine. If I make a list with underscores, i.e., 'this_is_airlist', then
when I try to confirm my membership in the group, Mailman kick's it back
with the following:

Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.1.1
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown

Last but not least, yesterday I created a list that had spaces in the name,
'air quality alerts'. However, now I wish to delete it, and cannot. When I
use 'rmlist air quality alerts', it just comes back with the 'rmlist' help
info, even thought I have checked grammer and case. If I try to do a 'rmlist
air' it tells me there is no such list. I have checked repeatedly, however
the list remains. Any suggestions?


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