> On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 17:04, Marilyn Davis wrote:

> > I'm still pulling out my hair on this one ...

Remember that I was trying to get my stand-alone test machine to use
my Sendmail command (really exim) instead of SMTPDirect?

On 22 Mar 2003, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> > So, in my mm_cfg.py I put:
> > 
> > DELIVERY_MODULE = 'Sendmail'
> > 
> > but it didn't fix it.
> Are you sure SENDMAIL_CMD points to the right executable?
> > How can I get it to use sendmail (linked to exim) instead of the
> > SMTPDirect module?
> They way you're doing it is the only way, and it ought to work, 

I wish I could report that I figured out the problem here.

It is fixed but I don't understand it.

Changing my mm_cfg.py DELIVERY_MODULE to Sendmail didn't work until I
ran it in the debugger.  Then it worked outside the debugger too.

I put it back to SMPTDirect to try to figure out what is happening and
it stopped working again.  Putting it back to Sendmail did not fix it,
once again, until I ran it in the debugger.  And now it works every
time again.

I'm new to Python and wanting to become fluent, so I wish I understood
what could be happening.

I understand that my_module.py gets compiled to my_module.pyc.  I'm
wondering what happens with qrunner since it doesn't have a .py or a
.pyc.  Is the byte code stored some place?

Or maybe my brains were attached to all the hairs I pulled out on this
one and I've gone nuts.


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