> > I like to adjust the msg_footer so that it instead of refereing to the 
> > general admin page for all users
> >     %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(list_name)s
> > would refer to the personal admin page, maybe something like
> >     %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(list_name)s/%(email_of_subscriber)s
> I mean I like to use the same footer as this mailinglist are using:
>    http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/mailman-users/b%40grabbarna.nu
> What is the variable name to produce the email address on the end of that 
> line?

I search google and find a hint about "%(user_delivered_to)s" but it 
didn't work :-(


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