
The difference between our installs seems to be that I installed MDK9.1
from scratch.  I keep a separate /home partition to let me do that
easily - as I don't like the bugs that sometimes creep in via upgrades.

Glad to hear you got it going.  Installing Python from source makes
plenty of sense.


On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 18:26, Vince LaMonica wrote:
> On Sunday, May 25, 2003, at 09:05  AM, Jon Carnes wrote:
> > Try installing every rpm from your distribution that has "python" in
> > it.  For Mandrake 9.1 I posted a message last month that pointed to all
> > the rpm's that needed to be loaded. Mdk 9.0 probably has similar
> > requirements.
> FWIW, I had the same problem [mdk 9.1, mailman 2.1.2]. I was not able 
> to get mailmanctl to run using the RPMs listed in that e.mail. I have 
> python installed via RPM, and that is/was my problem. I did not remove 
> the python [2.2.2] RPM, since it would break other stuff, however, i 
> simply compiled python from source, installing it into /usr/local/bin, 
> and then made sure that when I compiled Mailman, I pointed it to the 
> non-RPM install of python 2.2.2. I also changed my to make 
> sure it uses the /usr/local/bin version of python.
> Also note, I was on Mandrake 8.2, with Mailman 2.1.1 [source compile]. 
> When I upgraded to 9.1, I decided to also upgrade to 2.1.2 of mailman. 
> After the initial problem, I removed all traces of mailman 2.1.2 and 
> tried installing 2.1.1 on my 9.1 box, and it failed for the same reason.
> Compiling python from source was quite simple, as the only thing one 
> needs to make sure of is that it will be built in a /usr/local/* 
> directory structure so that it doesn't break any applications in 
> Mandrake 9.1 that need the python RPM install.
> HTH,
> /vjl/

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