Richard Barrett at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am kicking. I have been publishing and maintaining patches to integrate
> htdig search with MM since MM 2.0.6 and none of the MM support lists use
> the facility. When I asked thru this list how many people used the patches
> I got 3 replies; so obviously not many sites need searchable Mailman archives.
> All users please note that MM 2.1.3 is the last version of MM for which I
> shall be publishing revisions of the #444884 patch. I will make one last
> effort to publish a generic version of the htdig integration patch which
> provides a framework for integrating other search engiones. Then I give up.
> Life is too short to continue pushing this particular rope uphill.

Aieeee!  No!  Say it isn't so!

These patches are critical for me.  Sigh.

I've said it before (recently) and I'll say it again - these patches should
be integrated into the main Mailman tree.  They are That Good.

Thank you, Richard, for maintaining them as long as you have.

Now, is there any way we can talk you into continuing?  :)

- Mark

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