Greetings from a total newbie to *nix!

I'm hoping someone can help resolve a question regarding a bogus "admin
request(s) waiting" daily message.  I've searched the archives and FAQ, but
haven't found relevant information there.  My situation:

I'm using Mailman installed as part of the CPanel hosting package, and I've
gotten the impression thus far that my host is far from expert concerning
Mailman.  All of my interaction w/ Mailman has been through the Web
administrative interface, and I'm not at all sure that I have access rights
to do anything from the console, although I apparently have read access to
at least some of the list files.

Some time ago, when attempting to deal with a pending admin request, I
received an error (in true luser style, I neglected to record it, but IIRC
it was a write error or access error of some sort) in the Mailman web admin
interface, but the interface thereafter showed no pending requests.
However, ever since then, I've been getting a daily reminder saying that
there's a pending post from [EMAIL PROTECTED], awaiting my approval.  When I follow
the link to the admin interface and log in, I get the AdminRequests page,
but with the message that "There are no pending requests."

Is there any way I can reset the relevant file from the web interface, or
some information that I can give the person hosting my site to clean this
up?  The daily notification email is becoming rather annoying.

One "voodoo" solution I've tried unsuccessfully is running another admin
request through; in that case, IIRC, the reminder email changed to say that
there was one pending request, the "genuine" one.  However, on handling that
request, the old problem reappeared.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance!

-Joel I

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