At 05:36 AM 6/30/2003, Richard Barrett wrote:
At 21:09 29/06/2003, Paul H Byerly wrote:
I have someone with a couple of slashes in their e-mail address trying to join a list. Apparently this is non-standard but "allowed" by some systems - with Mailman not being one of them.

I would disagree that this is non-standard. My reading of section 3.2.5 of RFC 2822 says that a quoted string form of the local-part can contain a slash character (amongst others) so that "fred/smith/jnr"@some.domain should be valid if not that usual. It is not as if the form is an obsolete one.

The address parsing by the functions in the email package handle an email address of the form "fred/smith/jnr"@some.domain without apparent problem.

There is an open ticket in the system for this:

The last time Barry commented he said that it is flagged for 3.0.


Christopher G. Kolar
Coordinator of Information and Technology Integration
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
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