On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 12:11:12PM +0100, Richard Barrett wrote:
> >Are you refering to the owner_request_special var? It was set to no like
> >the readme advizes.
> So what does the MTA log say it is doing with incoming mail to the 
> listname-request aliases?

It seems to deliver the mail just fine.

Jul  1 16:55:28 patah postfix/local[18728]: [ID 197553 mail.info]
0918C7B70B: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=local, delay=1,
status=sent ("|/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman request test") 

BTW, the MTA is indeed postfix. When I was experiencing these delivery
problems the load of the machine wass higher then normal.


Jeroen Valcke

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