Ed Leafe wrote:
I'm currently running a few lists with Mailman, and it's been working
great. One problem has popped up, though: AOL now blocks *all* email
coming from servers with RoadRunner IP addresses. Their rationale is
that it is necessary to block the inflow of spam.

This is not accurate, at least not for all RR IPs. I use RoadRunner for high speed connection, and have an AOL dial up I use while traveling. I just sent mail from the RR account to the AOL account and it went right through with the RR IP number.

Doing some digging I found that AOL now has extensive spam filtering. From the main mail box page click the "Mail Options" menu button at the top, then select "Block Unwanted Mail". You can then accept all mail, reject all mail, or customize. If you choose to customize you can white and black list anything you want.
Of course the average AOL user doesn't have a clue, doesn't want a clue, and would not know a clue if it crawled up their leg and bit them, so getting them to fix it may be a bit of a challenge. Maybe you can get one of the more net savvy AOL users write a how to for you.

<>< Paul, who still find AOHell the best way to get on-line from Nowhereville or Podunk USA.

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