On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 15:43, Robert C. Jacobson wrote:
> At 03:04 PM -0400 7/21/03, Jon Carnes wrote:
> >How is this any different than an ordinary aliases list?
> Perhaps you are joking here, but I'll answer anyway.  I assume you 
> are referring to the MTA built-in aliases.  I'd like non-root users 
> to be able to add people to the list.  I previously ran this list on 
> majordomo, but everyone says "mailman, mailman, mailman", so here I 
> am.
Actually I was serious, but I've handled that (in the past) differently
than you.  I used include files in the /etc/aliases and put the included
files for the aliases into samba shared directories.  Worked fine for
letting admins of each department edit their own aliases lists.

Some caveats to that method: I had to set "dontblamesendmail" to true,
and I ran a cron job every ten minutes looking for any changes to the
files (which then ran "newalaises").  There are better ways of doing
that now.

> >But seriously, if you want to use Mailman, you can tell it not to mail a
> >welcome message (this is what has the password in it).
> I figured that part out  (yay for me :)  )  But then they can just go 
> to the web interface for your email address (e.g. 
> http://doman.com/mailman/options/test/robert.jacobson%40gsfc.nasa.gov)
> And tell it to email you a password reminder.
> >Then you can
> >disable the listinfo portion of the web so that they can't get the
> >password from the Web-portion, and you can simply route the
> ><listname>-request alias for the list to go to the admins.
> How do you disable that?  And does that also disable the options screen?

Well, beyond the obvious answer of editing the source code, there is
always the brute force method of deleting the cgi:

or you could also write a simple cgi to replace it that simply prints
out an html formated information page telling them to contact their

> >Don't forget to setup the config of the list to *not* look for
> >administrative requests going to the list.
> >
> >Good Luck
> If this gets too complicated, I guess I'll switch back to majordomo :-/

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