On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 03:01:41 +0200
Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> and all our mailman lists are still working.  Unfortunately, I can't 
> give you any details of what we did to convert, since I was not 
> involved in that process.  However, I can confirm that there should 
> be no problems using mailman with apache2.

Can anyone give me some ideas of where to look to fix my problem. 
Basically, all my lists are currently functioning and when I do things
like "./bin/list_lists" as the mailman user, I can see my lists. 
However, when I try to access any of my lists via the web interface, I
get an error that says "No such list."  My scriptaliases are all in
place and all of that, but somehow they aren't hooking correctly into my
existing mailman setup?!?

Shane Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Nerd
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